
Showing Tag: "birthday" (Show all posts)

Weekend fun

Posted by richard shaw on Friday, August 27, 2010, In : Image 
So the weekend is here and I have two goldfish now to keep me company. They are recent birthday additions to my household.

But here is an image that has the same effect as gold fish, tranquil, calming and interesting to look at. I hope you think the same. This image can be found in the green gallery, surprise surprise. Enjoy the weekend everyone.

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Happy Birthday Me...

Posted by richard shaw on Tuesday, August 24, 2010, In : News 
Today is my birthday, I suppose I should share some deep insightful wisdom with you, but I have none worth sharing. So instead I shall show you some of my very favourite images that were a catalyst for this whole adventure. These can be found as you might have guessed in the oxidised gallery. They were taken a year and a half ago on a ferry..... 



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About Me

Richard Shaw After being a keen photographer for many years, I have finally found my niche and the courage to share it with the world. Having been bogged down for what seems like an eternity with jobs, money and family life, I found my creativity being stifled. So as I carve out a new life and follow new paths my love of photography and my passion for interesting images is returning. Here are my visions, my apparitions of light - of shape, of colour and texture. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy capturing them.

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