
Showing Tag: "blur" (Show all posts)

New NeW nEw NEw nEW stufffff.

Posted by richard shaw on Friday, October 1, 2010, In : News 
I have updated the Galleries so please head along and check out some of the new abstract goodness. It's the weekend so you have plenty of time to relax and enjoy. Right?


Orewa Beach

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Negatives are most definitely positive!

Posted by richard shaw on Thursday, September 2, 2010, In : Image 
Turning colour and black and white photos into a negative image can create some really funky images. Hope you enjoy. This was a blurred beach shot with bokeh highlights. 


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Hello world

Posted by richard shaw on Sunday, August 15, 2010, In : Image 
'Hello world' is the traditional phrase used to test computer programs and other such communication tools. So as this is my first post and also a greeting to all, I say hello world and welcome to my world of abstract images. 

The image below is used as the header of website. It is a bokeh blur of rippled sand taken on a wet beach in bright sunlight. 



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About Me

Richard Shaw After being a keen photographer for many years, I have finally found my niche and the courage to share it with the world. Having been bogged down for what seems like an eternity with jobs, money and family life, I found my creativity being stifled. So as I carve out a new life and follow new paths my love of photography and my passion for interesting images is returning. Here are my visions, my apparitions of light - of shape, of colour and texture. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy capturing them.

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