
Showing Tag: "shapes" (Show all posts)

Architectural stuff

Posted by richard shaw on Tuesday, October 12, 2010, In : Image 
I have started a new album on my Facebook page entitled 'Architectural' . It is a small album at the moment but I hope to feed it and grow it over time. I love Achitecture. It appeals to my love of geometric shapes and patterns. anyway here is a little peek at a few images, go along to my Facebook page at  to see more. 

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New additions

Posted by richard shaw on Sunday, August 22, 2010,
A couple of new addition to the oxidised folder today. I like strong graphical shapes in my abstracts and these two both have this I feel. The colour and warmth is also a strong feature. They can be viewed in the Oxidised gallery too, I hope you enjoy them.


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On the run

Posted by richard shaw on Tuesday, August 17, 2010, In : Image 
One of the great things about rust is the shapes that occur. This is image is the result of oxidisation occurring as water ran down the side of a galvanised metal trailer.   

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About Me

Richard Shaw After being a keen photographer for many years, I have finally found my niche and the courage to share it with the world. Having been bogged down for what seems like an eternity with jobs, money and family life, I found my creativity being stifled. So as I carve out a new life and follow new paths my love of photography and my passion for interesting images is returning. Here are my visions, my apparitions of light - of shape, of colour and texture. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy capturing them.

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