
Showing Tag: "website" (Show all posts)

New PixelFIX website is up

Posted by richard shaw on Thursday, September 9, 2010, In : News 

As I have mentioened before, I do photo restoration work. Well I have been working feverishly ove rthe last month to build a website that will help promote my services online and attract a few customers I hope. So please have a look and if you would spread the word I would much appreciate it. 

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Restoration website

Posted by richard shaw on Wednesday, August 25, 2010, In : Restoration 
As well as taking lots of abstract photos I'm also a professional photo restorer too. I have been doing this for many years as an employee for others. I've decided to see if I can make a living from this, or at least earn a crust. below is an example of the kind of thing that I do. 



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Broken Internet

Posted by richard shaw on Wednesday, August 18, 2010, In : News 
I'm sorry to anyone who has been trying to get on to the site in last 24hrs. The company that host the site was hacked and everything was taken off line. I am told that everything is now back in working order. So thank for your patience. 
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About Me

Richard Shaw After being a keen photographer for many years, I have finally found my niche and the courage to share it with the world. Having been bogged down for what seems like an eternity with jobs, money and family life, I found my creativity being stifled. So as I carve out a new life and follow new paths my love of photography and my passion for interesting images is returning. Here are my visions, my apparitions of light - of shape, of colour and texture. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy capturing them.

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